Tuesday 13 March 2018

Absorption Vs Adsorption

Absorption Adsorption
It is the phenomenon in which the particles of gas or liquid get uniformly distributed throughout the body of the solid. It is the phenomenon of higher concentration of particles of gas or liquid on the surface than in the bulk of the solid.
The concentration is the same throughout the material. Therefore, it is a bulk phenomenon. The concentration on the surface of the adsorbent is different from that in the bulk. Therefore, it is a surface phenomenon.
Absorption occurs at uniform rate. Adsorption is rapid in the beginning and its rate slowly decreases.
It is an endothermic process. It is an exothermic process.
Example – anhydrous calcium chloride absorbs water. Example – silica gel adsorbs water vapours.

Monday 12 March 2018

Open Word Class Vs Closed Word Class

Open Word Class Closed Word Class
1. An open class is one that commonly accepts the addition of new words. 1. A closed class is one that contains fixed number of words.
2. Open class of words is also called content words. 2. Closed class of words is also called function words.
3. This class contains large number of words. 3. This class contains limited number of words.
4. New words are generally coined or borrowed from other languages. 4. No new words are added.
5. This class consists of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. 5. This class consists of pronouns, articles and prepositions.

Sunday 11 March 2018

Ad Hoc Networks Vs Cellular Networks

Ad Hoc Networks Cellular Networks
Ad Hoc network is a type of multi-hop wireless networks i.e. a collection of nodes that communicate with each other wirelessly by using radio signals over a shared common channel. A cellular network is a radio network distributed over land through cells where each cell includes a fixed location transceiver known as base station.

Infrastructure less network. Infrastructured network.
No base station and rapid deployment. Fixed pre-located cell sites and base station.
Highly dynamic network topology. Static backbone network topology.
Multi-hop wireless links. Single hop wireless links.
Packet switching is used. Circuit switching is used.
Mesh topology is used. Star topology is used.
Irregular connectivity. Stable connectivity.
Cost-effective. High setup cost.
Less setup time. Large setup time.