Sunday 15 April 2018

Half Duplex Transmission Vs Full Duplex Transmission

Half Duplex Transmission Full Duplex Transmission
Data can be sent in both the directions but not simultaneously. Data can be sent in both the directions simultaneously.
In Half duplex, devices can transmit and receive but not at the same time. When one device is sending, the other is receiving and vice-versa. In Full duplex, devices can transmit and receive at the same time i.e. each station/device can send as well as receive data simultaneously.
It uses one pair of wire. It uses two pairs of wires.
Chances of collisions are more. Chances of collisions are less.
Slower data transfer as compared to Full duplex. Faster data transfer.
Less efficient as compared to Full duplex. More efficient.
Cost of transmission is low as compared to Full duplex. High data transmission cost.
Example of Half duplex system is walkie-talkie where one person speaks and other listens & vice-versa. Example of Full duplex is the telephone system where both the persons can speak and listen simultaneously.

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