Hierarchical Data Mode |
Network Data Model |
Relational Data Model |
Relationship between records is of parent-child type. |
Relationship between records is expressed in the form of pointers or links. |
A relation that contains a key for each record involved in the relationship represents relationship between records. |
Many to many relationships cannot be expressed in this model. |
Many to many relationships can be implemented. |
Many to many relationships can be easily implemented. |
It is a simple, straightforward and natural method of implementing record relationships. |
Record relationship implementation is quite complex due to the use of pointers. |
Relationship implementation is very easy through the use of a key or composite key field. |
This type of model is useful only when there is some hierarchical character in the database. |
Network model is useful for representing such records, which have many to many relationships. |
Relational model is useful for representing most of the real-world objects and relationships among them. |
In order to represent links among records, pointers are used. Thus, relations among records are physical. |
In order to represent links among records, pointers are used. Thus, relations among records are physical. |
Relational model does not maintain physical connection among records. Data is organized logically in the form of rows and columns and stored in the table. |
Searching for a record is very difficult since one can retrieve a child only after going through its parent record. |
Searching for a record is easy since there are multiple access paths to a data element. |
A unique, indexed key field is used to search for a data element. |
During updating or deletion process, chances of data inconsistency is involved. |
No problem of inconsistency exists in network model because a data element is physically located at just one place. |
Data integrity maintaining methods like normalization process, etc. are adopted for consistency. |
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